ISTC Meeting Spring 2017 Stuttgart

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Joint CETAF Digitisation and ISTC Group Meeting, Stuttgart 27-28 March 2017


  • Wouter Addink (Leiden)
  • Ana Casino (CETAF)
  • Simon Chagnoux (Paris)
  • Johanna Eder (Stuttgart)
  • Jiří Frank (Prague)
  • Katarina Gatialova (Prague)
  • Falko Glöckler (Berlin, MfN)
  • Karsten Gödderz (CETAF)
  • Peter Grobe (Bonn)
  • Quentin Groom (Meise)
  • Anton Güntsch (Berlin, BGBM)
  • Thomas Hörnschemeyer (Frankfurt)
  • Joachim Holstein (Stuttgart)
  • Jana Hoffmann (Berlin, MfN)
  • Ayco Holleman (Leiden)
  • Jiří Kvacek (Prague)
  • Patricia Mergen (Brussels / Tervuren)
  • Juan Carlos Monje (Stuttgart)
  • Björn Quast (Bonn)
  • Dominik Röpert (Berlin, BGBM)
  • Martin Stein (Copenhagen)
  • Christian Steinwender (Vienna)
  • Ari Taponen (Helsinki)
  • Dagmar Triebel (Munich)
  • Marie-Hélène Weech (London, Kew)


March 27

9:00 - 12:00 Identifiers Implementers Group

Expected outcome:

  • Summary of progress made in 2016.
  • A clear implementation plan for 2017.
  • Assignment of tasks.

ISTC Meeting

13:00 Welcome, introduction of participants, and adoption of agenda (Johanna Eder, Anton Güntsch)
13:15 Report from identifier initiative, discussion of next steps (Anton Güntsch, presentation)
13:45 Report from LOD Hackathon, discussion of next steps and collaboration opportunities (Ayco Holleman, presentation)
14:00 Other ISTC/CETAF initiatives
Herbadrop (Simon Chagnoux, presentation)
BHL-E (Jiří Frank, presentation)
Geo-referencing (Ayco Holleman)
14:30 Other developments of ISTC members
Common name services (Christian Steinwender)
GFBio pipelines for collection data (Dagmar Triebel, presentation)
MNHN Collection website and 3d gallery (Simon Chagnoux)
Collection portal developments at the Botanic Garden Meise (Quentin Groom, presentation)
15:15 Coffee
15:45 TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards (Quentin Groom, presentation)
16:00 DiSSCo (Wouter Addink, presentation)
16:20 EU Funding opportunities (Patricia Mergen)
16:50 Ideas for collaboration, next meeting(s) (All)
17:00 End of (ISTC) meeting

19:00 Dinner Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Siemensstraße 11, 70469 Stuttgart,

March 28

Digitisation Working Group

9:00 Welcome, introduction of participants, request for AOB items and adoption of agenda
9:15 CETAF Strategy & Targets (All)
Review all 25 CETAF Targets and identify relevant targets for the Digitsation Working Group and ISTC
Decide how to include CETAF Strategy within the Digitisation Working Group Framework & Aims
9:45 Update on SYNTHESYS digitisation (Elspeth Haston, presentation)
Communication of outputs from project
10:10 Digitisation at the Naturkundemuseum, Stuttgart (Joachim Holstein, presentation)
10:30 Implementation of Stable IDs in the physical collection. Implications for collection workflow (Falko Glöckler, presentation)
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Digitisation Resources Gap Analysis (Elspeth Haston)
Review draft survey
Decide on content and structure of survey and plan the schedule
12:20 CETAF Proposal for COST Action: MOBILISE (Dagmar Triebel, presentation)
12:30 Ideas for collaboration, next meeting(s) (All)
12:45 AOB
13:00 End of (DWG) meeting


Minutes written by Elspeth Haston and Anton Güntsch: download



Lecture hall of the
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart
Museum am Löwentor
Rosenstein 1
70191 Stuttgart

Next to station "Nordbahnhof" close to the entrance of the "Rosensteinpark".

