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CETAF Strategy & Strategic Development Plan 2015 - 2025

Focus Area #4 - Biodiversity informatics and information technologies


Action Interpretation and notes Existing activities Planned activities Products
Moving taxonomy into the digital world
i. Supporting shared database infrastructure and open access policies There are no agreed CETAF open access policies. Is this adressed in one of the DiSSCo projects? Existing shared database infrastructures with strong CETAF involvement are for example JACQ, DINA, and Diversity Workbench xx JACQ, DINA, Diversity Workbench
ii. Making taxonomy data digitally interpretable and retrievable Relates to DiSSCo OpenDS and ISTC LOD activities as well as stable and standardised (web) services in general. LOD activities in SYNTHESYS+ and MOBILISE, OpenDS specification and implementation in DiSSCoPrepare, Botany pilot LOD system; TDWG - BSC-IG (Biodiversity and Clients Interest Group) xx xx
iii. Increasing the use of collection data ISTC ID initiative works towards this goal, we need more streamlined services for integrating collection data in research workflows Botany pilot, Wikidata activities (Mobilise) xx xx
Ensuring retrievable, connected and interoperable biodiversity data
i. Using commonly agreed ‘stable identifiers’ for the natural history collections Clearly CETAF IDs CETAF/ISTC ID initiative, activities in SYNTHESYS+ ID Registry, standard (RDF) metadata xx
ii. Implementing recognised collection metadata descriptions Unclear, where this will be defined and implemented; relates to CETAF passports and other (TDWG) attempest to standardise collection descriptions Global Collections Catalogue (workshop and consultation organised by GBIF) xx xx
iii. Linking European, national and regional collections of specimens and data (checklists or databases) Extend LOD-approach to "other" data types SYNTHESYS+ standards work package, DiSSCo Prepare standards / common resources activities xx xx
Disseminating data and data processing standards, thesauri and controlled vocabularies
i. Continuing the development of compatible data standards Much progress with regard to collection data (ABCD, DwC, etc.), more work needed for establishing agreed vocabularies and standards for "other" data types SYNTHESYS+ standards work package, MOBILISE, DiSSCo Prepare Data Model xx ABCD; DwC; GGBN; MOD-CO
ii. Adopting and implementing guidelines on standards Adoption of standards can be measured by the number of standards compliant service implementations (e.g. collection provider software, LOD services, etc.). "Implementing guidelines" does not really differ from iii. SYNTHESYS+ ID/LOD activities xx xx
iii. Collating and distributing interoperable standards for biodiversity data and natural history specimen databasing Should be a dynamic documentation (e.g. wiki page) linking to actively maintained standardisation efforts SYNTHESYS+, MOBILISE DiSSCo prepare xx
iv. Establishing and promoting specimen data and database citation standards (source recognition) Is this addressed in CETAF or one of the DiSSCo projects?, MOBILISE WG for data publication xx xx xx
Safeguarding long-term data storage, curation and longevity
i. Organising the maintenance of a supported system for data storage xx MOBILISE WG for data archiving xx xx
ii. Adopting processes for orphan databases or digital information Not yet a CETAF activity. There is a national (German) system dealing with orphaned databases (https://rebind.bgbm.org/), which could be used as a basis for a European activity. There is also a CODATA Interest Group "data at risk" xx xx xx


Target Interpretation & notes State
CETAF interoperable standards for biodiversity data and natural history specimen databasing are adopted in 80% of CETAF institutions Probably already fulfilled if we count the number of CETAF institutions with working (GBIF) provider software installations. yellow/green
CETAF standard identifiers are adopted in 80% of CETAF institutions The number can easily be monitored once the ID registry is functioning. Broadening the implementations is part of the SYNTHESYS+ project. yellow
Digital data curation guidelines are produced and adopted Needs to be coordinated with DiSSCo red/yellow
Digital storage capacity infrastructure is established within the consortium MOBILISE WG for data archiving red/yellow

Focus Area #3 - Natural history collection management and access to collections


Action Interpretation and notes Existing activities Planned activities Products
Promoting the physical or digital accessibility to collections
v. Collaborating with major initiatives on specimen data sharing, data annotation and data-flow DiSSCo and related projects, as well as other national and international initiatives DWG partners in all the DiSSCo-related projects and sharing information More collaboration with international initiatives and more sharing information about national initiatives xx
Digitising and databasing collections
i. Exploring methods and best practices in data storage and data curation Need to clarify DWG and ISTC roles here xx xx xx
ii. Supporting the development of digitisation policies, techniques and technology Need to bring in SYNTHESYS3 work on the Management Plan on Digital Collections (MPDC) [1] xx xx
iii. Exploring the development of storage and digitisation infrastructures Need to clarify DWG and ISTC roles here DiSSCo related activities xx xx


Target Interpretation & notes State
10% of our 1.5 billion natural history collections are databased, digitised and digitally available and scientific collection visits increase by 10% Collaborating on the development of MIDS and looking at GBIF xx
CETAF best practice and common collections policies are implemented in the majority of member institutions xx xx